Queue set-up are located under queues in "admin".
"Name" is the only mandatory field here, and is the name that agents see in the left panel in Interact.
Description is wise to add if you have a lot of queues.
You can also add a color tag, and connect it directly to an entertainer.
Read more about "Entertainers" here:
Settings contains a lot of different settings:
Wrap up time:
This sets a wrap-up time after call from this queue for the agent.
Agents can also have wrap-up time, these two times will then be added as a total wrap-up time.
This setting is the call-time against agents, how long it calls towards one agent before trying next agent.
The seconds between invitation is a quarantine on the agent, in this settings 5 sec pause if the agent is the only available before the next attempt.
Announcement is a sound file played for the agent when answering a call, before the caller is present.
This can be used on typically dutyphones to announce that the call is "work" not private.
Return to queue after transfer:
When enabling "return" the call will be forced back to queue after x seconds.
This is only if the system does not get an answer from the person you are transferring to.
Here you can also choose to reserve the call to the agent who transferred the call.
Max reservation time
The reservation time is used with the setting above, to say how long should the call (or email, or chat) be reserved to this agent if call is returned from transfer.
(PS! Could also be used together with "Entertainer" with "last agent" settings.)
If the call is reserved to agent for 10 seconds, the call will try to find the agent it's reserved to for 10 seconds - but following the invitation rules.
If the agent is not available, or logged off the call will go to general queue after 10 seconds, trying to find the next available agent.
Queues are prioritized against other queues.
Meaning, if an agent is logged on two queues, the call from the queue with the best priority will go in front of the other caller.
Priority can be made on SLA level or as a hard priority.
The hard priority has standard level 5, where 1 is best and 9 is worst prioritiezed.
If you include locking time, time spent listening to locked voice prompts will count in the priority SLA.
Ring groups
Ring groups is time between agents logged on different priorities in "Queue Profiles".
If time before including more agents is 30 seconds the call will stay in priority one in 30 seconds even if all agents are busy in a call.
After 30 seconds the call will also look for agents with priority two.
After another 30 seconds the call will look for priority three.
If the checkbox beneath is checked it will use 30 seconds on all priorities, even if there is no agents logged on to the priority.
Strategy for ring groups:
More information will come
Callback can be enabled on all queues, because you need to activate to offer callback via entertainer.
Max of tries setting decides how many times the system should try to call back the caller.
Max time to ring decides how long it should call on each try.
This setting can control how long time your agents should use trying to get hold of the caller, and it should not be over 24 seconds
due to the possibility of getting answered by voicemail. Voicemail will count as answered callback.
Time between tries sets a pause to the call after trying to reach a callback.
Dialing types are
- Agent first (Standard)
- Caller first
If using "Agent first" the system calls an agent first, when agent answer the call goes out to the customer.
If using "Caller first" the system calls caller first - then sets up the call towards agent. System will set up call towards caller when an
agent gets set to "idle".
Allowed redial mode sets who can order a callback.
Standard is fixed and mobile local (local = same country)
Be aware, if "all global" is chosen you are exposed for phone fraud.
Callback caller ID Type sets which number to be displayed for the receiver of the callback.
Standard mode is "Service number", meaning the number the caller first called.
It is also possible to add a number or call with hidden number.
Queue profiles
Here is an overview of which queueprofiles this queue is a part of.
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