What are Connectors?
A Connector is a direct link, created in the Reports platform and based on a saved report's data. It is added into external systems, such as Microsoft Power BI, Microsoft Excel, and Qlik, to present Reports data next to other information in that system.
The Reports platform provides a lot of data in user-friendly reports. Sometimes companies wish to export the data into an external system to compare it with other types of company’s data or information. This can help them gain even more insights and add additional value to their data. Connectors provide an easy way to integrate data from the Reports platform into other systems, without any technical knowledge or custom integrations.
How to create a Connector?
A Connector is based on a saved report and its data. So to create a Connector, you first need to create a saved report with selected measurement objects you would like to present in an external system.
Once a report is created and saved, go to the saved reports view in the Reports platform. Create a Connector by clicking on the icon for the external system you want to create the Connector towards. A dialog will then open and let you configure your Connector further.