Administrators can log in to MySoluno with your switchboard credentials.
Create user
To access the MySoluno portal, please enter your organization’s domain and type your login credentials. Having entered your login credentials, you may navigate to the Users tab and click New user and the User Wizard will open.
New User
Please note that modifying the New User tab will enable or disable some options, e.g. toggling User and Subscription will enable more options than just toggling User.
Invoice address – Begin by specifying the invoice address, i.e., the legal address of the buyer.
First name – The first name of the user.
Last name – The last name of the user.
User type – Differentiates between two different types, user and basic user.
User – User type with full access to all core services.
Basic users – Basic user type with restricted access to APIs and presences.
Do you need a mobile subscription for the user – You may tie a subscription to the user.
User – The User Wizard will only create a user.
User and subscription – The User Wizard will create a user respective of a subscription.
User information
Custom username – Corresponds to an alias for the username.
Email – Corresponds to a custom username as well as a communication channel.
Password – Passwords may be automatically generated and be reset by users using their email.
Primary number – Primary number of the user.
Add Alias – An alias may be connected to the primary number.
Available numbers – Shows number ranges connected to the organization respective of the user. Gives examples of applicable primary numbers.
Activation date – Determines when the user will be activated.
Subscription information
Please note that toggling Port in an existing subscription will enable more options than just toggling Create new subscription alone.
Create new subscription – If the user wants a new subscription.
Port in an existing subscription – If the user wants to port their former number in a new subscription.
Please note that the following datetime only corresponds to a proposal as all portings will be handed manually.
Porting date and time – Proposed date and time for the porting to occur.
Upload porting subscriptions – The original owner of the number needs to be addressed when porting their number.
Mobile number for porting – What number should be ported to the new subscription.
Person- or organisation number – Is the mobile number owned by a person or an organisation?
Activation date – The date when the subscription will be activated.
Mobile number – Since the porting takes time, some users may want a temporary number attached to their account. The number will not be attached to the user when porting occurs.
Address – The address respective of the new SIM to be delivered.
Whenever done, there will be a brief overview of the user and all configurations done. You may change the configurations by pressing Previous and proceed by pressing Save. Please note that the overview will differentiate depending on whether an option was taken to add a user attached to a subscription or not.