Administrators can log in to MySoluno with your switchboard credentials.
Edit user
Editing users corresponds to changing the user credentials of an already existing user.
User fields
Username – Username given when user is created.
Custom username – Custom username created with lower case letters, numbers and symbols. By checking the Customer username box, you may specify a new one. The custom username will work as an identifier towards the organization’s PBX. Custom usernames may also be specified by toggling Email, Primary number or Secondary number.
First name – First name of the user.
Last name – Last name of the user.
Softphone – Should a Softphone be activated on the user?
Activate mobile VoIP – Should mobile VoIP be activated on the user?
Password – Determines the password attached to the user’s username.
Press Save to save the settings or Cancel to exit the wizard.
Role Fields
Show Billing-ID – If checked, the toggling ID of the user will be shown.
Role – Determines the role of the user and is synched with the PBX.
Expiration – Users may be valid for a specific time interval.
User groups – Determines the user’s group memberships.
Add new group – The user may add user groups.
User type – Distinguishes between User and Basic user having different API accesses.
Number fields
Primary number – The primary number of the user, e.g., landline number.
Secondary number – The secondary number of the user, e.g., mobile number.
Add mobile number – Will add a new mobile number to the user.
Fixed phone – Determines if there is any Fixed phone attached to the user.
Extra fields
Extra fields corresponds to searchable directory information such as Department and City.
Users may be deactivated on a specific date.
Advanced settings
Advanced settings corresponds to Group Memberships, Addons, API and Other settings.
Group memberships – Admin profiles and group memberships may be configured.
Addons – External PBX may be attached to the user.
API – API licenses may be attached to the user’s account, synched with the organization’s PBX.
Other settings – Determines whether the user will be eligble for services such as Call Recording or Calendar Synchronization.