Virtual Phone Q
Administration Interface
Login to and use your PBX credentials to login.
- Top Menu
Here the user can switch between the different sections of the application.-
- Current Queue:
The main page of the app where all calls added to que are listed. If VPQ is set to manual calling this is where the agents will work on handling calls. - Call History:
This page lists all calls that have been registered by the service with timestamps and information on what the status of the call is/was. There is also an option here to export all history. - Settings:
On this page the end user can administrate some of the settings of the service. Changes here are activated for the entire service. When setting up a Virtual Phone Queue there is an option to limit access to ”Settings” to certain users. - Work Schedule:
On this page is a calendar that can be used to plan the resources available to handle calls and at what times slots will be alotted to callers. The admin can set both reoccuring schedule and temporary schedules here. When setting up a Virtual Phone Queue there is an option to limit access to ”Work Schedule” to certain users.
- Current Queue:
- Logged in agents:
Here is a counter showing how many agents are logged in to the VPQ interface currently. Hover over this to see the names of all logged in agents.
- User that is logged in/Logout button
Here the current logged in user is shown which can be useful for shared workspaces. Clicking on the arrow logs the current user out to the login-page.
- Current Queue:
This is the main list where all unhandled calls are shown. To the left is the number the caller has requested to be contacted on. To the far right is the timeslot that the call has been alotted.
If any CRM systems are configured for VPQ the name of the caller will also be shown next to the number. Above the list is an option to search for specific details in the list if there are many to many calls to find a specific one a quick glance.
- Queues
If you have several queues setup for the VPQ you can switch between them by clicking on a different queue. You will also see the amount of calls waiting for each queue on the right side.
- New Call
With this button, a user can add a new call to the list manually. For instance if agreeing with a client to contact them at a later time in the day.
Current queue
- The number that asked for a callback
- Information from connected CRM or the yellow pages. If it's not a match window will not appear.
- This shows who is currently viewing a card. This will also be visible in collapsed view if other users are viewing a call.
- The time the caller want to be called back.
- Here some technical details are shown, like calling time and caller ID.
- A user can add a comment to a call for instance in order to remember details or to log an attempted call. The most recent comment is also shown on the call in collapsed view.
- The agent can click to initiate a call to the customer.
- The agent can remove the call from the queue. The call will be listed as ”Removed” in Call History section.
- Manually assign a new timeslot for the call. Drag the call to another queue. If the call ended up in the wrong queu for instance
Call History
- With this button the user can download the call history as a .CSV-file. Currently this exports the entire call history since we started collecting the data.
- With the searchfields the users can filter the list based on timestamp and numbers.
This is the view where all data is shown regarding registrered callbacks. Number of attempts is only displayed if the Service is set to do automatic Callbacks.
This page contains most of the settings available for the user. If service has been configured to only allow admins to change settings then only those users entered as admins can access this page.
Work Shedule
This is a calender where an admin can plan what times the queue shall be open and what resources are available to handle the callbacks.
Scheduled time that is shown in Blue is reoccuring each week in the same manner.
Scheduled time that is shown in Green is only active on the specified date.
If a temporary slot is set for a day which normally has another reoccuring schedule, then the temporary schedule takes presedence for that date and all reoccuring times that day are ignored.
New Open Hour
This function is available from the ”Work Schedule” page on the right side
- New timeslots can either be temporary for a specific date or reoccuring every marked weekday. If a temporary time is set for a date with a reoccuring schedule then the reoccuring schedule is ignored for that date and the temporary is used.
- Here one sets the From and To times on a day for the configuration. It is possible to have several slots on one day.
- The Queue-interval sets at what interval new calls should be alloted times for Callback. i.e. If set to 15 minutes then new calls will be added at 14:00/14:15/14:30/14:45 and so on.
- The number of spots each interval is intended to represent the number of agents available to handle callbacks at that timeslot. So if set to 2 Spots then there will be 2 callbacks given the time 14:00 and 2 for 14:15 and so on.