Sometimes there is an old file that messes up the use of the softphone and it may require a reinstall, follow these steps and you will find out what you need to do.
- Click the Windows button and find "SolunoBC".
- Open the map by clicking on it, right click on "SolunoBC" that appeard and choose "Uninstall"
- A list with all the programs will appear, find "SolunoBC" and choose "Uninstall" again.
- A new window will pop up and you need to confirm the unistallation by pressing "Yes".
- If you're using "Microsoft Outlook" and it's integrated with the sofphone, you might get another window. You will need to confirm the uninstall there as well by clicking "Ok".
Note that the mail application will cancel and restart. - Click the windows-key.
- Search for "%appdata%"
- Open up the folder, remove the map named "SolunoBC".
- Go to the rest of the maps in "AppData" by using the shortcuts at the top, when you see three maps, make sure that none of them has "SolunoBC" in them.
- Now you need to install the softphone again, you'll find the latest version here.
(The latest version is the recommended unless anything else is mentioned). - At the down left, you'll see the softphone you just downloaded, open and install it.
- Complete the installation process by clicking "Next" on all pages and then "Finish".
Now you're done and the login window will appear automatically. The only thing left is too log in with your switchboard credentials.
- Open "Finder" and go to "Program".
- Find the "SolunoBC" program.
- Drag SolunoBC to the "Trash bin".
- Open "Finder" and click on "Library"
- Expand the "Application support page"
- Remove the map named "SolunoBC".
- Empty the "Trash bin".
- Restart the Mac.
- Install the softphone again, you can download the latest version here.
(The latest version is the recommended unless anything else is mentioned). - At the down left, you'll see the softphone you just downloaded, open and install it.
- Move the SolunoBC file to Applications (Program) folder, and you're done.